about me

Dear tennis friends


As a long-standing board member of the Blue-White Tennis Club in Uster and active tennis player my responsibility included ensuring the maintenance of the courts and the clubhouse. Water was often a problem and I was often forced to close the courts because of puddles. A tennis players' worst enemy is and remains, however, the rain. There were many times over the years that the pouring rain spoiled the evenings of our interclub teams and I had to postpone the game. In our club we have all kinds of sponges from the 70s lying round. Some are slabs or foam stampers with a handle or metal sponge rollers that weigh 10 kg even without any water. Despite those tools, most players refused to dry the wet court with these tools and would rather go home disappointed. We also had to shift interclub meetings to Pentecost and Ascension Day because of unusable courts in spite of sunny weather. But on these days we could often barely bring our players together. I often  longed to get the court dry with an easy to use tool. That's why I started to look for a solution to the problem. As a development engineer I was attracted by the challenge. My aim was to develop a suction device that can dry the court in 5 minutes leaving it ready to play on again. This sponge roller is the result of a lengthy development process. It is light, can be rolled from puddle to puddle. Above all it is easy to use without getting dirty hands and clothes. You can order this newly developed tennis court sponge roller online in my shop. All parts are of course available as spare parts. I am looking forward to hearing about your positive experiences! With best regards,


René Rissi